Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Today's focus was on Silence, Sabbath and Soul Care. Did you know that the word busyness in Chinese means heart-annihilation. ouch.. One of the questions that was said was "When was the last time your purposely made time for silence.. silence with the Lord?" I had to think and it had been quite a while.. Immediately I realized that I needed to make this discipline of silence and keeping a sabbath a priority in my life.

So I challenge you to ask yourself.. "When was the last time you were unplugged from your cell, pda, laptop, tv, friends, books, work, life and just practiced being silent?"


Brad & Stacey said...

Praying for you today my dear friend. God is bringing you through the fire to refine and restore you!

Love you!

revtom said...

yes, it is through silence that we hear God... it was the still small voice through which God spoke... silence... quietness... for post-moderns especially, this is tough... there has never been silence... we have to MAKE silence.

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

great that you will carve out a is MUCH needed here! Cherish it like you would cherish an intimate date with a husband. unplugging is challenging, but once done once, can be done regularly. breaking bad habit patterns and forming new ones.