Saturday, June 9, 2007

Less than 3 weeks...

Today, I realized that I have only less than three weeks till I leave my motherland.. USA. What am I feeling.. excited, nostalgic, nervousness, faithful, wonder, and definatley unknown feelings. This morning has been very relaxed for me here in Colorado. I didn't set my alarm and got up at 9am. Nice. I walked to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee and a doughnut..yum. I spent some time talking with friends about the drought, global warming, ministry, and the area here. Then I excused myself to do some much needed laundry.

As I've been in my room occasionally looking out the window, enjoying the morning breeze I've been thinking of the the bridge that I am on. I've moved from my settled phase in America and I no longer have a home, car, a dresser of clothes, pots and pans..just my suitcases of I'm in this Unsettling phase..I've just started to cross the bridge and I'm looking around and I'm thinking that if I ever turned around to go back to the settled land nothing would ever be the same.. I would live somewhere else, I'd have a different job, new friends so I press on.. I press into Jesus during this time because he is really my only constant. Soon, I will be in the middle of the bridge where it will be chaotic and I will be in a whole new Country, learning a new language, eating new foods, trying to wrestle 3 boys when they want to play..yikes.. It excites me. It makes me sit in awe of God and wonder..what will he do during these transition times? He is my constant rock..Who will he bring into my life that will minister to me and who I can minister to??
Well, my laundry is done..i have to go get it.. funny because it feels so normal to get laundry on a Saturday settling..but this Friday, my time here at MTI will be over and its visit, live and go go go till the 29th...YAY!

Dad is in Europe already check out his blog...


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