Thursday, June 7, 2007

Self Worth

Self Worth is a question that every woman in America not to mention the world asks themselves every day. What am I worth? To who am I worthy? Do I measure up? Scary because without Christ I do not think I would find peace in any of these answers.

Today, we endured a stressful simulation where we were divided into two groups. We had to huddle in a cardboard box, dry wall "building" where we were hiding from rebels who were out to kill anyone especially missionaries. We had to decided who to evacuate and eventually who was executed. I volunteered myself to be killed. I thought well, I'm single, I do not have a husband, children where as many others did. Right then and there.. I made my self not worth anything. It doesn't matter if I have a husband or kids in God's eyes. He looks at me and says that I am his beloved no matter what size I am, who I belong to, where I've been, what I've done, where I'm going, what grades I've gotten, what hurtful words I've said. Nothing diminishes who I am in Christ except for me not BELIEVING that I am worth everything in HIM.

So tonight, I sit in my room after a emotional day .. with peace. The peace that only comes from Christ and his grace. I am thankful for my community here who have surrounded me and told me that I'm worth fighting for, that I'm worth holding on to, that I'm beautiful. That they want to take me out to dinner and ice cream to love on me because I am worth it. (thank you jeff and mary)

I am even more excited to go teach now. I'm excited to be able to pour into the teenage girls lives and show them they have worth. They are worth everything in the world to God! I am up for the task!

So the question tonight is:
What or who is your self worth in??


Lori said...

Thank you for sharing from your heart of the struggle that many of us face! Thank you for being real, and allowing God's grace & love to shine through struggles.

revtom said...

hey Jo, God blesses us with peace when we get real... you have found that and He has blessed you... it is blessing my heart to hear this... see you three weeks from tomorrow!!!!!

Brad & Stacey said...

You have been a beautiful gift to us, and we look forward to continuing our friendship on the other side of the "pond".