Saturday, June 2, 2007

My first week in CO

My first week at MTI is over. Its been kind of a whirlwind week. If you do not know what I'm doing.. I'm in missionary boot camp. I'm learning about these topics: spiritual, personal, lifestyle, interpersonal, cultural, endurance and enjoyment. Its been really good so far and I have learned so much.

My day starts when I decided to stop hitting the snooze button or like this morning wake up suddenly at 8:00 when breakfast had already been served for 15 min. No worries, I got there in time to grab a yogurt cup and a bagel and a major cup of coffee. Don't worry Dad I've started my everyday yogurt eating contest. I mingle, eat, and play with kids.

Then its time for either our first session or small group. Today's focus was on Conflict... Conflict is what brings missionaries home. Good thing I'm a teacher huh :) I wish that was true but I'm learning a lot and here is what I've learned.. If I'm going to grow in how I handle conflict, I need to be humble and not prideful.

Here is a great quote that I learned today, "What you know about yourself you can change. What you do not know about yourself controls you." I've been processing this all day and I'm still unsure how much I know about myself. So, I've been praying that God will open my eyes afresh to things I need to know about myself.

We have morning session till lunch then we have afternoon session. Then its time for dinner and my evening walk with Kristina. Its been pretty amazing being here. Tomorrow I'm take the "
COG" up Pike's Peak ( a mountain that has snow on the top) with the Hunters and I'm really looking forward to it!!

So that is what I'm learning, doing, living and breathing right now. If you are praying, pray for my heart and mind and the iceberg that is being surfaced and God and I are getting closer!

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