Monday, July 9, 2007

I've officially been in Budapest for 1 week and a few days. Its really been a whirlwind of different events and travelling.

I've taken a week of Hungarian class. I go to class from 9am-12:15pm and I can tell you who I am, all of my numbers, I can conjugate verbs, talk about countries and other things. Here's an example minus the needed accent marks.

Joanna Foley vagyok. En angol tanar vagyok. En budapesten elek.
I am Joanna Foley. I am an English Teacher. I live in Budapest.

I have lots of homework after class and I hang out with my Dad. He is still here and will be till July 20th.

I don't move into my apartment until August so that will be fun to do. This past weekend, My dad and I travelled to Prague (Czech Republic) and it was about an eight hour train ride. We were there to visit with Mark and Joanna Stewart who are good friends from Charlottesville and have recently moved there with World Harvest. We got to see John Huss' Church and visited a pretty Rose Garden, went to the balcony where Communism was proclaimed, saw pretty churches, walked over a cool bridge, saw a castle, drank good drinks and spent quality time. Dad and Mark indulged themselves in the Foot long hot dogs that Joanna and I were thoroughly grossed out by :-) It was neat to be in a new city.

So, I'm doing well. Staying very busy but I'm learning to have a bit of a routine and trying to speak Hungarian!!


Laci and Keri Németh said...

Dear Jo,
I am not sure if you heard the joke already or not... but:
Hungarian is the language of Heaven.
It takes an eternity to learn it.

Lazo von vukovaren

Brad & Stacey said...

Glad you already got to hang out with Stewarts! They have really long hot dogs here too...usually 2 joined together.
Hope we can work out a trip here soon also! Levi wants to watch the Wiggles with you!

Anonymous said...

man, captain encouragement left the first comment :)

I'm glad to hear things are going well. You're so good at updating...I'm impressed!