Thursday, July 19, 2007

107 degree weather

Tommorow it is supposed to be 107 degrees here in Budapest. Can we say a bit hot? I am dying..litterally melting I think. I take cold showers and they feel amazing! My dad leaves tommorow and I'm a bit sad.

Tonight, we went to a Turkish Restaruant and had great food and an older man came by and asked if we wanted to buy this one pink rose in a makeshift vase. After we said no, both of our hearts broke and we went and asked him to buy it. The system dad says..he got shafted by the system of post-Communism. Anyways, so I have this very pretty rose sitting on my desk and everytime I see it I remember my dad.
Later this evening, I was on the 4/6 vilamos (tram) to get home and there were three girls speaking in Enlglish. They were talking about going to a club, making out with boys all night long and taking x. It was very sad for me to hear this. I remembered that wow..this is why I am here.. not only to teach English but to make students aware of making good choices in their lives.

Pray for this this dry dry heat and pray for me as I finish my class tommorow and begin preparing for classes!


Laci and Keri Németh said...

prayers with you Joe,
You have a HUGE field, but do not look at the amount of work, rather on the thing/problem/person that is right in front of you...

Brad & Stacey said...

We have been melting too! Today has been much cooler. Read up on our blog to see what has been happening with the fam...ugh!
We'd love to have you again in Aug. This time you stay with us!
Stay cool!