Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Now, this picture wasn't taken today..but I didn't bring my camera with me. Today, I met friends for lunch at Szerai.. the famous Turkish Restaruant that my dad likes..LOVES. Aftewards, we decided to walk to a coffeeshop called Semaramies. Forgive the spelling. We walked from the Turkish Restaurant to Vaci Utca along the river. Today was warm..47 degreesish and sunny. It was beautiful and to be outside was wonderful. Then my friend Andris and I walked across the Danube and went back up towards parliment so I made a gigantic U :)

It was so nice to be outside and I only hope spring is coming. Sorry for all you East Coast dwellers who are having a wintery mix :)

17 of 365
1. Yesterday, I got to see Shannon who had been in India for 6 weeks. It was so good to reconnect and share what has been happening.
2. I had a wonderful morning of watching church from home and drinking my favorite coffee.
3. I got to eat a gyros and a turkish tea from Szerai.
4. Talking about deep subjects with close friends and sharing dreams.
5. Doing my homework before 9pm :)
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1 comment:

attis said...

Szeráj and Semiramis :) I'm glad you guys had an amazing day! :)))