Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't Worry

I'm not turning my blog into a cooking website..I just do a lot of cooking. 

Last night, as I went to bed my head was pounding from an intense headache which did not go away until I took medicine at 7:00 this morning.  I went to sleep at 10:15 and didn't wake up until 7:30.  I had sms'd my colleague and asked her to take our first class because I was non-functioning.  Thankfuly the meds worked. I noticed a runny nose.. I'm not getting sick.. I'm getting my spring allergies! Thanks dad and mom :) hehe. 

I've been working hard on planning good lessons and bringing things together for the future teacher.  I hope we have found this person but let's keep praying that everything works out! I love being back at school and haven't felt tired. I'm so thankful for all the rest I had. I'm resting now and just doing a few things before I get another good night's sleep!! 
20 of 365
1. Great Lessons with my kids
2. Yummy dinner with my friends then the Cosby Show
3. Leftovers for lunch so I don't have to make anything!
4. A day off from exercising
5. Having everything finished before 9pm ;) 

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