Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Its a sunny Tuesday morning --windy and cold.  I am home this week. I'm sick with swollen tonsils. It's been a trying week.  I got this cold one week ago and did my best to fight it off. There were many teachers who were missing from school so I continued to go to school even though I should have stayed home.  My throat got so bad that my tonsils are now swollen and its hard to swallow and breath.  Its much better now because I'm on anti-biotics.  So, I'm resting.  I'm reading, knitting, resting, and watching movies. Its funny, every month I will have had a week of rest from school.  I like to think that God is preparing me for some big stuff because I need this rest. He knows that I don't slow down much otherwise..

I should learn from this lesson.. resting is important.. Taking a Sabbath is crucial. 

I often feel that I'm on this time limit..I only have 3.7 months left here and I don't want to miss anything. I want to see a lot of people, do a lot of things but I need to stay healthy so I can see and visit all these people!! 

So, I'm resting now...

1 comment:

Carol said...

Joanna, I am understanding from your blog that you are US bound after the school term. I want you to know that it makes me very sad. I know I don't see you very much, but I enjoy you so very much and being away from my daughter, you helped fill that longing for me. I guess that means we have to do something before you head back!