Saturday, March 28, 2009

Water Fountains

As I was doing a Bible Study this morning it asked a great question.. 

What are the water fountains of our life? 

Even if you aren't a God-lover..think about this question.. what are the things which we find sustainability from. What are the things that make us thrive and give us refreshment?  Are they a lasting fulfillment?

As God-lovers, Jesus should be our only water fountain. We should go to him and drink from his word, intimate time and love daily.  I will be the first to admit that often, I do not always go to him to fulfill and satisfy me. I was thinking, "what are the water fountains in my life?"  

The first I would say is relationships. It is much easier to go to my sister, best friend and parents before I approach Jesus. I am an extrovert and when I'm with people, I find great refreshment from relationships. If you get right down to it, they are just human and when I'm alone they aren't what sustains me and they don't give me lasting fulfillment. Don't get me wrong, I think that relationships can draw you closer to Jesus and they are vital to life. It is just when they become a a Coca-cola when you are thirsty and not water and when you are finished drinking that coke you are still thirsty. 

So.. what are you water fountains? 

"If we are full and satisfied in Jesus Christ, we don't need anything else. Our hearts have found complete satisfaction, and are in need of nothing."--unknown

1 comment:

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

Love your cute new background. Love this post too cuz you are learning the THE FOUNTAIN is our ONLY SOURCE that is even worth running to. All others will FAIL MISERABLY!