Saturday, March 14, 2009

a great Saturday

It was a blue and clear Saturday here in Budapest. I love sleeping in on the weekends and not setting an alarm.  I woke up, made some coffee and baked peach oatmeal.  

I then did some Internet, then did some grocery shopping and went for a run/walk with my sweet friend Caroline. It was a blast to exercise and spend time with my good friend. We went on Margit Island in the middle of the Duna. I wish I had had my camera. The island was littered with people and you could sense that spring was here or at least everyone was begging it to come!

Spring and Fall are my favorite times of year.  Spring because of the newness and warmth.  Fall is my favorite because my birthday and school supply shopping ;). 

There was a girls night movie night at Caroline's so we met there to watch North and South. No, not about the USA but the UK. I've put the picture of the BBC cover. It is a mini series and we watched all of them!  It is your typical romance 19th century British movie which I adore. I worked on my knitting.  I have almost finished knitting a blanket which is over 6 feet long. Just about 6 more rows then I'll be finished!! I'll post a picture! 

I'm just thankful that I'm not sick and I can enjoy a good Saturday at home!

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