Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've been home for the past 2 days resting and fighting a cold which I've had for a week. Thankfully, its not a virus or the flu which so many people have. My colleague told me that from our 9B class 13 students were ill.  Good thing we have a school break this weekend.  

I'm going to Rome. I fly tomorrow evening and I will be back on Saturday. I'm going on my own and I'm really looking forward to it. To see a new city, see the history, the art, breathe some new life and eat lots of gelato. 

As I've been home, I've watched a few movies, almost finished knittine a blanket I've been working on and made some yummy food. Already, I'm beginning to get restless and I've only been still for 24 hours.  This makes me think about how I'm so far from being still.  Its like when I quiet myself for time with God it takes me a good 10-15 minutes to just get the junk settled down before I can really seek him in the quietness.  How disciplined and how sweet it must be for monks and nuns to be able to be so still.  Jesus was still. He went to the desert for 40 days. He sepereated himself from the crowds to be quiet. 

When I'm in Rome, I hope to be still. I hope to sit in the Vatican and gaze at the divine beauty, to be amidst the vastness of God and be still. 

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