Wednesday, September 1, 2010

100th Anniversary of Korosi School and My office

Today was a great day! I went to the 100th Anniversary celebration of Korosi's Opening. It was so much fun to see all of my old colleagues and students and it was fun being there as a guest!

I also went to my office for a few hours today to work on my lesson plans. I enjoyed the quiet of the office and even took pictures ;)

Funny story:
I'm sitting at my desk and on the wall are a bunch of eathernet cords. So, I think to myself, Oh! I'll just plug one in and see if I can get internet since there is no wireless in my office. So, I plugged it in and saw that it would not work. All of a sudden there is a knock on my door and a man in a suit with a walkie talkie enters in speaking Hungarian to me. In follows another man in a suit and a handy man. I look at him and say, I speak English! I'm a new teacher. He points at my computer and says, "yours?" and I say yes. He then tells the walkie talkie that everything is okay and that its a teacher. So I guess I messed with the Corvinus eathernet system and the place went to chaos..well the IT place. It was like the IT FBI. I was super nervous and even if he said it was okay for me to use I definitely did not plug that eathernet cable into my computer again ;)

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