Thursday, February 3, 2011

broken ankle

I can't believe I fractured my ankle.. I am sitting here with a large white cast on and I'm quite immobile.. me..who is always mobile and on the go.. I've learned a lot from this process but that will be another blog post.. I want to recap the story.

I was babysitting for my friends and they have three boys. We were having a good Saturday and I decided that since the sun was out, we would go sledding to get out some energy. So we drove to this park about 10 minutes away from their house. We were sledding and the boys fell a few times but nothing big. Well, Nathan and I decided to go together so we started down the hill and about 3/4 of the way down we crashed and rolled. I felt pops in my ankle and I knew immedatley something was not right. So, since Nathan was crying, I calmed him down then took off my boot and knew that it was not normal. So, the other two ran down the hill to make sure we were okay. I told them that I could not walk and that we would need to call for help cuz I definitley could not drive them home. Seth bravely approcahced a family and they came over to help. They spoke nearly fluent English and the dad went to fetch the car, the mom engaged the boys in soccer so that they would be distracted. Meanwhile, I called Will and in a panic he rushed over in a taxi to where I was. When he got there we decided to call an ambulance and he would drive the boys home. I called Kirsten to take public transport to the Newell's house so that she could watch them for the rest of the afternoon till their parents came home (they were in Salzburg, Austria). The ambulance finaly came and they cut my sock off and put a blow up cast on my leg. They drove me the hospital and Will & Kirsten took care of things. The only time I ever cried was when Will came!

Once I got to the hospital, they did all the hospital things and they got an x-ray of my leg. There was once nurse who spoke English because she had lived in America for 8 years but she wasn't my main nurse. Most people spoke a few words but God increased my Hungarian ability, I'm sure of it. We got x-rays and it was determined that I would need surgery. Now, I might have understood some but a lot of my time was a bit unknown, what's happening, I hope everything is okay..but I did have God's peace. They wheeled me down to the cast room (gipsz in Hungarian) and the had to put pressure on it and it hurt.. I had to relax the whole time.. yeah..while in pain.. so as the guy was putting the cast on, I said, do you have pink? purple? how about Louis Vouitton or Gucci?! They laughed and I did too. This was a temporary cast so that I wouldn't hurt it again.. and I'm still in the same cast. Anyways, they took another x-ray to make sure everything was good in the cast then they put me in a room on the 1st floor to wait. I was in a room with 3 other people. The man who wheeled me around spoke French so we spoke French together. It was nice, plus then I saw him again and we talked a bit.

Once in my room, my dear friends and leaders of our Home Church Group came to bring Will some sandwhiches and water, poor guy hadn't eaten and they took him to my house to get things for the hospital. You have to bring your own of everything, fork, knife, spoon, cup, straws, water, snacks, towel, toilet paper, etc. So, Will & Kirsten collected things and then Susan and David drove him back to the hospital. It was great to see them. Will stayed with me till the end of visitors hours about 9 and then I was awoken at about 2 am to have surgery.

The surgery was quick and pretty painless, they put screws in my legs and I was awake for it all, I just got an epiderhal for the pain. The doctors were nice and so were the nurses. I went back to the room and slept it off. Will came in the morning and he sat by my bed everyday. I'm so thankful for an amazing man as him!

My roomates, nurses and the doctors that I met were great. We had one roomate who was a not all the way there mentally and was in a lot of pain and would cry through the night. This was probably my most miserable thing. On Tuesday, I was moved to the room next door because we weren't getting any sleep. I was thankful for a new bed, new company and I stayed with Marika, an elderly lady who has become a wonderful friend.

I went home via private ambulance ($35) and it has been nice to be here! I go back in 10 days to get my stiches out and a full cast on. I'm hobbling around on crutches and it has been nice to be home!

Thanks for praying my friends. It was an experience but much has changed in my heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well! Hope ur ankle heals fast!!-Cindy (g-ma)