Friday, February 25, 2011

Budapest Biggest Loser

Currently, if in America, one could tune in on NBC and watch Season 7 of the Biggest Loser...Will, Kirsten and I are addicted and I feel like those guys are my friends. Anyways, since we are 1000's of miles away we decided to have our own competition..

We each paid in $50 and in 16 weeks one of us will win the lucky money ;) We also made a rule that for every pound you gain you will have to pay $1 to the pot.. penalty..

So, calorie counting has consumed us. I'm forever on the internet for low-calorie healthy foods and yummy alternatives. Doing this in a different country where half the items I'd like aren't available makes it tough but we prevail.

Today is the first weigh in and I've lost 3kg..6.6 pounds! That is on crutches ;)

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