Monday, January 7, 2008

Back in the BP

well, i'm offically back home. I've been home for almost a week and it feels much longer than that. Today there is a bright blue sky with lots of sunshine that is melting the literal sheet of ice that coats the entire city. I guess on Saturday night it sleeted all night long and when I went out of the house on Sunday morning to go to church I realized that there was ice everywhere. It made for an exciting time walking to the bus stop.. rather sliding to the bus stop.

I've been sick since I came home. I was out of school on Friday and watched 5 movies, slept a lot and drank many liquids. Today I'm back at school and I'm already exhausted. I am ready to go home and take a nap. I only have two more classes to go!!

My friend Stacy is coming in 2 days and I'm sooo excited!! I just got a flower and an invitiation for the Ball on Saturday night at my school. Well, it will be at a different venue but we get to get all dressed up for this so I'm very excited!!

That's all for now!! Keep praying for better health!!


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