Wednesday, November 28, 2007

paperwork is finished

Aniko, our accountant handed me an official Health card in which I needed to give me health care, salary and any other official hungarian buisness. I now have the wonderful benefits of "free" healthcare.

Its amazing how its all finished now. Well, for now till I get my next permit. I will be working hard to make sure everything is taken care of so its not so difficult.

Thanks again for your prayers and thoughts.

Last night I was at home just resting, reading and writing and I decided that I needed a hair cut.. well I sure did cut it. Its not too short but well its hard to cut your own hair. But i think I did a good job! woohoo! I"ll put up a new picture sometime.

The year is winding down and its good for me to take sometime and reflect upon what has happened! I hope you do so too!

Love, Joanna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooh boy! im sure it looks great!