Monday, May 25, 2009

the first of many tears

Yesterday, I realized that today was the last time I'd teach 12B.  I wanted to do something special for them but I wasn't sure what to do.  As I was running yesterday I asked God for the opportunity to somehow share my faith with them.  I wanted to show them my heart even more on this last time together. 

I decided to say something about each student. To encourage them and love them through words because so often teachers will degrade or berate their students publicly.  I wanted to show them love.  About half way through the list, when I got to one girl who is truly special, I felt that big lump in my throat and choked up and started to cry.  I stopped and told them how truly special each one of them is to me and asked for a tissue.  

Afterwards, I then told them to live for today and don't worry about the future or the past. I encouraged them to find what they are looking for and not to worry about how long it takes. 

We then had a lesson on regrets and we asked each other about regrets.  I went to work with a few girls who opeened up about regrets specifically about their sexual pasts.  Through this, D and I were able to have a conversation about relationships. She expressed to me that she always wishes she was in a relationship and I told her that I felt the same way.  That if I didnt have God to rely on or put my trust in I would feel helpless and lonely.  She knows I have faith in God and that I go to church.  We promised to talk soon and go to a movie next weekend.  

I was thankful that I was given the opportunity and that I took it.  What a great day. 

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