Sunday, May 4, 2008

Romania and Communication

This past week/weekend was spent in Romania. It was my first time to this part of Europe. Now, we were in Romania but we were in the Hungarian part of Romania which has been taken from the Hungarians. We were in the middle of the Carpathians and it was absolutely beautiful!! I will post pictures soon! I haven't had such a great time in a long time.

We talked about communication.. the art of it, the obstacles of it..
What is or are the obstacles that hinder your relationship with God??
On our 12 hour drive today we talked about this.. these were some answers that were thrown, pleasing people, stress, other people, frustrations, ...

then we asked the question..
When are the most communicative times between you and God?

....what do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

regularly, in the morning, when it is quiet and I can focus on Him... less frequently, when I am in crisis and I look to Him out of reflex... He meets me in my fear, my anger, my angst, He calms me, strengthens me, it is deepening in my relationship with God when He meets me in my junk... - Tomislav