Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Typical Wednesday in the Life of JKF

6:25-Alarm goes off-I push snooze
6:35-Alarm goes off and I literally roll out of bed, one eye shut cuz i was too lazy to wash the make up off my face.
7:05-Take a big gulp of Christmas Blend Starbucks Coffee (thanks mom) while doing my hair.
7:15-Leave the house, lock and deadbolt and head down the stairs.
7:26-Get onto the Hev. (the commuter Train for one stop)
7:34-Walk into my school and promptly say Jol Reggelt to everyone I see (Good Morning)
7:45-The Bell Rings
7:47-I guess I should go to class
7:47-13:15 Teach Classes, eat some food, talk to colleagues, fill in grade books, blog, facebook, and email.
13:15-Leave school and go home.
13:22-Get on Hev-one stop
13:30-Walk into my apartment (after checking my empty mailbox. sigh*), clean, bake, read, listen to music, nap, watch tv..something
17:00 -Leave my apartment to meet Laci at Calvary Chapel to give a PDA and then get on a bus to go to Aaron's to cook for Bible Study
18:00-Get to Bible Study and cook dinner.
19:00-Bible Study begins
21:30-Leave bible study and get on metro-to tram-to home.
22:00-Spend time with God
10:30-fall asleep and wonder..what will I teach in school tommorow

If I can remember-Im going to take Pictures of all of this today..:-)

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