Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The cast came off.. and the fears arose

This morning Will & I were picked up by the private ambulance to go back to Szent Janos Korhaz (St. John's Hospital). The first thing was the removal of the cast which was scary because he used a circular saw and I could imagine my toe being chopped off!! Then the second thing was x-rays and then to see the surgeon in the "kontroll" room. He told me to walk, do exercises and to walk! I said thanks and then I came home!

First, I took a nap then woke up and had some lunch. I then got to work on my leg. Since it had been in a cast for many weeks there was a lot of care that needed to be done. I won't go into detail because it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever done. (not looking forward to children/know I should never be a nurse)

After my shower/bath I got to work on using Mederma on my scars and felt these sudden fears arise within me. Feeling overwhelmed and afraid I just begin to whimper, then to cry, cry, cry. Will just held me and told me I'd be okay and I knew I would but I think the thing that hit me the most was that I'd have to walk with this pain and the long road of recovery that lay before me and these literal words came out of my mouth.. "Will, I just want my cast on because its much easier and safer"

After settling down, I went to my Bible and read some passages that my father marked when I went through a hard time. I read and re-read these verses and felt a peace come over my heart. I was thankful that God would see me through these murky waters and the storm ahead. I then had more confidence to work on some physical therapy for my ankle. I did these exercises which helped my ankle become more agile and not so stiff. It was not easy and there was a lot of discomfort but I know that in the end it will be worth it when I take my first step again.

So, now, I am learning to be patient, to trust God even more than before and believe that he will heal this ankle even more.

Thanks for praying for me and I continue to covet your prayers for the road to recovery! The road of walking!


Anonymous said...

So you know I'm not a cryer, but this definitely made me tear up. I needed this. I'm so sorry for your pain, but I know how strong you are and how many hills you've climbed ... think of this as a tiny speedbump. :-) xoxo

Tom Foley said...

I'm so glad that the bones were healed enough that the cast is off. I am also glad for Will. I sure do hope this is widely dead because there is a lot of anxiety going around these days and you were wise enough to go to the one place certain to answer anxiety with growing faith: Scripture. I'm proud. - Dad