Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yesterday, I got to go to an Easter Market with my friend Jason. We were on a mission to find easter eggs, painted traditional wooden easter eggs. Normally, they use real eggs and paint them but wooden eggs are far easier to pack and carry. :) 

After great success and yummy grilled bread we returned home. 

I got to join Mark, Jason and a new friend Al at a Monestary in the Castle district for 
some specialty Easter Beer. It is brewed there at the Monestary and its served starting on Good Friday. It was yummy and great company. Afterwards, we
 walked down the castle hill to view the 
beautiful sights of Prague at night. My camera wasn't so great at taking the view but I'll still post a few pictures :) 

**My pics are all out of order.. oh well :) 

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