Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sugar Cookies

Flora and I got together and made sugar cookies. I was stressed and one thing I do love to do is bake when I'm stressed. So, we made sugar cookies. I bought some Crisco from "America" (Cullinaris) and made some amazing icing. Then after making the icing, I realized my food coloring is at someone else's house!

So, Flora went to the store to buy food coloring and came back with Writing Icing.. which was AWESOME! So here's some of our creations!

I was able to have dinner with an old colleague and a current colleague and their wives. We had a blast talking and enjoying yummy snacks and these cookies and an amazing dinner.

It was wonderful to be with them and get to know them more!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is the MAV cookie for me???????? - dad