Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Day at My new School

Good AFternoon!

Today has been an interesting day.. one for all my MTI with lots of twangs.

I woke up early this morning (7am..hehe ugh) to a beautiful morning and knowing that today is my frist day on the job! I was excited and nervous. So much in fact that i pushed snooze for 5 more precious moments of sleep. I went one stop on the Hev ( a green train) and walked to my school. I walked in and said the normal greetings. Of course, many people were very nervous to talk to me in fear that their English was not good enough. I think I look Hungarian enough where people just straight up talk to me in paragraphs really really fast in English. I smile and nod and say good. hehe. TWANG (when im uncomfortable, or uneasy)

The meeting began. The Headmaster stood up and spoke and talked and talked and I'm sure that it was really nice, kind remarks, and wonderful wishes for our school year..but I honestly have NO CLUE (TWANG) what she said. I heard a few numbers, dates, class, thank you.. oh and she introduced me with the other new teachers and I stood up for that. That's it. SO.. after she finished talking I looked at some of my wonderful newly friended colleauges and said.. "What did she just say?" They explained the important things and I know when to come to school and what I need to be doing. That is the most important thing!!

I had my first true motiviation to learn Hungarian(TWANG).. so that I can understand what is going on at my school. Nothing is translated..the bi-lingual part is German..not English.. English is their 3rd language they learn. OH MAN. But all in all. It was a very good morning. I must be there every morning from 9-12 and then once the school year begins I'm there for the majority of the morning into early afternoon.

I'm blessed with great collegeaues.. Klari, Anna, Eva and many others. I'm so greatful!

So I'm off to meet with a friend for coffee, she is Hungarian and is apart of my friend Mark's English Club and we have become fast friends. Then its off to Hungarian Hour with my American Friends.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joanna!
I'm still trackin' with you sister... Laughed when I read about your 'twangs' today...all I could picture was Joe blindfolded surrounded by all the kids at MTI. Sounds like you're settling in. Love you girl...

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

Hey Jo! You ARE in the thick of it! Welcome to our world in Hungarian education. I did notice in this blog that you said they think you are hungarian and they speak to you really fast in ENGLISH. Do you mean Hungarian? Hee hee hee!!! I was told by my new igazgato helyetes that I don't need to come to the English dept. meeting because it will all be in Hungarian...ha ha ha ha!!!! Have a blast, praying, and knowing you are gonna do GREAT!