Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Being a VA resident, it is an atrocity that I had never been to Williamsburg. Finlay, on the University's dime, I was able to experience Colonial days. We took 8 students and enjoyed a relaxed day in different parts of the town. I think the best part was the amazing food we had at the King's Tavern.. corn chowder soup and Fried Chicken (can't ever take the southern out of me) and amazing rolls.
I enjoyed the town and learned a lot. My favorite story was about the Randolph's. Mrs. Randolph had ordered china from China and while at sea the boat (carrying the china) capsized and sunk...well recently in the last few decades, divers found the boat, recovered the china and they restored it. So what I saw sitting on the table had been at sea for more than 200 years. Pretty neat huh!

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